B enin
Agathe Affougnon and Euloge Akpo are AA’s national leaders for Benin. Agathe coordinates the Christian Lawyers Association of Benin (“Association des Juristes Chrétiens du Bénin – AJCB”). Their members have been meeting together since about 2003. They have attended various Advocates Africa and Advocates International conferences since 2002.
Their principle activities are to help the church leaders and other brothers and sisters in Christ to understand a bit about the law, and to bring the Gospel into the judicial setting.
The Constitution provides for freedom of religion, and the Government generally respected this right in practice. In 1992 the then President declared Voodoo to be an official religion in Benin and it was declared that 10 January is to be a public holiday each year, to celebrate Voodoo. This has given an official force to Voodoo. It has been a big obstacle to advancement of the Gospel in this country.
Vision & Mission
Inspiring and Mobilizing Advocates Globally to Do Justice With Compassion.
All peoples thriving in hope, peace, and justice, within societies committed to freedom of religion or belief and the rule of law with integrity.
- Strengthen, support and develop the national associations that are members of the Network
- Witness by word and conduct so that lawyers, Judges, Law students and Paralegals
- Promote the spiritual growth of the members of the National Associations
- Conduct research, reflect and disseminate studies on topics of common interest
- Intercede in prayer for the needs of all nations, as well as for the associations
- Strive for democracy, good governance, the rule of law, accountability, social justice and economic transformation within the African continent.
- Promote Christian reconciliation as a mechanism for conflict resolution and encourage its practice in family, community, church and social circles
- Promote and protect human rights, on the basis of the recognition of the dignity of all human beings, as having been created in the image of God
- Develop and execute projects in various areas consistent with the Network’s objectives